Senior community programs remain far and few in our society. Our mission is to create innovative community wellness programs for seniors in public spaces in Houston.

Who We Are

Founded by Fritz McDonald, the Great Age Movement is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization launched in 2017. Our goal is to create indoor and outdoor wellness programs for seniors in Houston and surrounding areas.

Our Outdoor Program

Houston's first Great Age Fitness Park™ with 21 fitness stations located in the Texas Medical Center. Stay tuned for for our second installation.

Our Indoor Program

Our Art & Exercise Program takes place in a museum, where we marry art and exercise by moving through the museum to upbeat music.

We provide volunteer services for both programs that promote health, learning, and socialization. We are committed to adding other outdoor activities including yoga, dance, stretching, and educational classes focused on mental and spiritual wellness at our senior playground sites.

We Need Your Support

Our current capital campaign is to raise funds for our second Great Age Fitness Park™ installation in parks. See our recent pilot in the Texas Medical Center. Also, for our original senior art & exercise series at The Health Museum in the Museum District.



Live Saturdays @ 10AM

In partnership with The Health Museum, we provide you FREE online videos to exercise in the comfort of your home and discuss topics that benefit seniors.

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