The Health Museum Workout


Join the first of it's kind senior art & exercise program. An original 35-minute exercise routine tailored for seniors that works out your brain and body by combining art and exercise.


What should I expect?

The program is lead by our master instructor, Dr. Sarah Carothers, along with a team of volunteers to help support you while you move through the museum to curated music.

What kind of exercises?

The medley of exercises consists of stretching, dancing, cardio, body pump, balance work, and meditation.

Is lunch included?

A complimentary healthy lunch, sponsored by UnitedHealthcare, is provided following our workout. The Museum presents a guest speaker during lunch to discuss a range of senior health topics.

Fun fact:

This program compliments a similar program for young adults initiated by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in 2017.

DOUBLE FITNESS PROGRAM8:45AM | The Great Age Fitness ParkSt. Dominic Village2401 Holcombe Blvd 9:30AM | Senior Art & Exercise at The Health Museum1515 Hermann Dr.

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